So far, there is no archive of mycology and therefore we present a loos collection of reports on mycological activities, which might of your interest. When ever possible, we try to incorporate a contact for your interest.
Terms used in Bionomenclature
The naming of organisms (and plant communities) – compiled by
David L. Hawksworth
This is a glossary of over 2,100 terms used in biological nomenclature - the naming of whole organisms of all kinds. It covers terms in use in the current editions of the different internationally mandated and proposed organismal Codes; i.e. those for botany (including mycology), cultivated plants, prokaryotes (archaea and bacteria), virology, and zoology, as well as the Draft BioCode and PhyloCode. Any abbreviations, latinizations and synonyms are incorporated, as are terms which are either no longer employed, are used outside the formal nomenclatural Codes, or are otherwise likely to be encountered. As some of the terms used in the classification of plant communities are identical to those of whole organisms, terms used in phytosociological nomenclature are also included. The glossary has been prepared with inputs from numerous nomenclatural specialists, especially representatives of the different Codes serving on the IUBS/IUMS International Committee on Bionomenclature. It is intended for use as a reference work by all biologists, especially those involved with the description or re-classification of organisms, as well as those investigating the status and application of previously proposed names.
Selected key words: algae, animals, archaea, bacteria, BioCode, biological nomenclature, botany, codes of nomenclature, cultivated plants, dictionary, entomology, fungi, glossary, nomenclature, PhyloCode, phytosociology, plants, prokaryotes, protists, viruses, zoology.
Colloquium report of American Academy of Microbiology
The AmericanAcademy of Microbiology has released its newest colloquium report, "The Fungal Kingdom: Diverse and Essential Roles in Earth's Ecosystem.
Resolution of the International Association for Lichenology
The International Association for Lichenology (IAL) Business Meeting, Asilomar, Monterray, California, 17 July 2008, passed the following resolution.
The International Association for Lichenology (IAL) Business Meeting, Asilomar, Monterray, California, 17 July 2008, passed the following resolution*:
Recognizing the need to make essential taxonomic information on newly described lichenforming and lichenicolous fungi freely and promptly available without restriction, the IAL:
Endorses the establishment of MycoBank under the auspices of the International Mycological Association (IMA);
Encourages lichenologists to deposit information on newly recognized taxa in MycoBank; and
Urges editors of journals who have not yet done so, to consider making such deposits a condition of publication in a parallel manner to requiring sequence data to be deposited in GenBank.
* The Resolution was passed unanimously apart from a single vote against.