Regional Member Mycological Organizations (Regional MMOs). Regional MMOs have important roles in the IMA, and hold additional meetings in the interim periods between International Mycological Congresses. Regional MMOs are appointed by the IMA Executive Committee as specified under para 5.1 of the IMA Statutes. Regional MMOs comprise a national representative for each country in the region; a Chairman and Secretary are to be elected by the national representatives from amongst their number. Procedures for the establishment and methods of operation of Regional Committees are subject to ratification by the Executive Committee.

Regional Member Mycological Organizations

Sustaining Member Mycological Organizations

A Member Mycological Organization (MMO) may become a Sustaining Member Mycological Organization (SMMO). The cost of a SMMO membership is CHF 600 per year at present and includes representation in the Executive Board and one vote. Thus, the SMMOs are not only an important part of our administration but help to maintain our interaction with all members world wide.

Member Mycological Organizations

Our Member Mycological Organizations (MMO) are most important to communicate with our members and they support our work with CHF 90 per year. Each mycological society, association or organization having mycological interests may become a MMO after informal application and approvment by the Executive Board.